To add or change your Smart Plug configuration for your heating and cooling devices click on the Configuration tab located along the top of the Dashboard then click on the Heading & Cooling Devices menu option.
The Heading & Cooling Automated Devices window will be shown as seen below.
To add a new device (smart plug) click on an empty space from the list and then type in a nickname for the device as well as the IP address for that device. Select the protocol from the drop down box and then you can test the device by plugging an item into that smart plug (i.e. lamp) and then press the Test Device button. The smart plug should turn on for a short time if working correctly. After everything is configured and working click the Save Device button. You can also make changes to a device by clicking on that device from the list, make the changes and then the Save Devices button. To remove a device simply click on the device you want to remove from the list and then the Remove Device button.