Sometimes your Tilt might have supplied some information that you do not want to keep or you want to change or you might want to receive a notification again that you have already received. To edit your session and notification information click the Configure Session button for the session you want to edit.
The Configure Session window will be shown for that session as seen below.
In the bottom right corner in the Configure Session Options section click the Edit Session Data button.
The Fermentation Session Editor window will be shown as seen below. As your session updates the center will show all of those updates. If you have a session update you would like to change click on that update and then on the right side you can change the Gravity and or Temperature for that session update. If you are wanting to change the session update that was used for the Original Gravity you can click on the Select Original Gravity Session Update button and then make those changes. You can also remove a session update from your session by clicking on the Remove This Session Update. This comes in handy if you received an update while moving your fermenter and received a wild reading. Make sure to click on one of the Save Changes buttons to save the changes you have made. In the upper left corner of the window you will see a tab for Notifications. You can click this tab to view the notifications for this session.
The notifications for this session will be displayed after clicking on the notifications tab and will look something like this:
If you have received an update that you would like to receive again click the Reset Notification button for the notification(s) you would like to receive again and then click one of the Save Changes buttons.