T4W supports sending email and or text notifications for your sessions. To use this feature you must first configure your email and cellphone information. To do this Configuration tab located along the top of the Dashboard then click on the Configure Email & Text Messaging menu option.
The Email & Cell Phone configuration window will be displayed as seen below.
In order for this to work you must configure your email information. Even if you only want to receive text messages the email has to be configured as T4W uses your email to send to your cell phone. When you receive a text notification it will show it came from your email address. To configure your email fill in your email address or the username for your email account, password. For some email addresses the email server name and port number will be filled in for you. If they are not you will need to contact your email provider for this information. The email SMTP server name and port number can sometimes be found on the email provider’s website. Click the Send Test button and if T4W reports that the settings are correct check your email and you should have an email that looks like the one below. If you do not receive the email then one of the settings it not correct or the message went into your spam.
After you have received the test message you can then proceed to configure your cellphone. Enter your phone number (numbers only) and then select your cellphone provider from the pull down list. Click the Send Test button to send a test message to your cellphone. Please note some cellphone providers may block these messages (test message and or notifications) or they may delay them. If your messages are being blocked or delayed please contact your cell phone provider.